Gamestop has gone 53 days without putting out a news release

Gamestop has gone 53 days without putting out a news release

This article was first published on Reddit on 31 Jan 2022 by user u/Magic_The_Redditing and is reproduced here without editing. Apes Army takes no credit for this information, and we should remind you this is not financial advice, and always DYOR.

Gamestop has gone 53 days without putting out a news release, which is the longest the company has gone without an official press release since at least 2011, perhaps ever. Believe it or not, extremely fucking bullish.

It felt like it’s been a while, so I relearned the months of the year and went back through the media releases at The last one was released on Dec. 8, 2021, 53 days ago. If there’s no press release tomorrow, it will be only the second calendar month in a least a decade (I stopped counting around page 57/2011) that Gamestop hasn’t published a news release, the other being October 2021.

By the numbers alone, we’re overdue for an announcement of some kind, and based on what we’ve been seeing in the past month and a half, it’s going to be a doozy. Buckled? Up. Tits? Jacked. Fucking go? Let’s.

It probably goes without saying, but if you haven’t yet DRS’d your shares and wish to do so, we have a handy guide here.

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